
Newsletters and mailing-lists



  • Inf'OGM Actu  - monthly newsletter with the latest news on GMOs. The contained informations are synthetised, contextualised and as far as possible, popularised. The annual subscription is 30 euros (11 issues a year) for individuals and 130 euros for institutions.
  • Inf’OGM Bimonthly newsletter -  free newsletter published every two weeks and providing the new articles published in the meanwhile.
  • Forel-ogm - a non-moderated mailing list on which everyone can publish and receive news concerning GMOs. To subscribe it, just send a blank email to the address on the link.
  • Inf’OGM RSS - a RSS format by which everyone can receive automatically the latest articles published on Inf'OGM website.

Dossiers, brochures and info sheets

  • Semences de la biodiversité - a concise two-page monthly bulletin providing news & analysis on intellectual property rights and agricultural biodiversity relevant to Francophone Africa. Each issue focuses on one subject.
  • STOPOGM généralités - simple explanations about GMOs and transgenesis in French. Plus links on the right for specific topics and in-depth reports.


  • Seedling - GRAIN's quarterly magazine and flagship publication. Each issue contains an editorial, 3-4 articles, book reviews, interviews and much more. PDFs on website.