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2009-10-26 |

Opensourcing GM flowers: ”Biopiracy” in the name of art

Imagine a do-it-yourself genetic piracy kit where you could clone genetically modified (GM) plants in your own kitchen and, if you were crazy or creative enough, set them free. Well that’s exactly what the Common Flowers / Flower Commons project has set out to do: revert flower cuttings into their genetically modified origins by transforming cuttings with basic kitchen utensils to create living flowers. For this years Ars Eletronica art festival in Austria, artists Shiho Fukuhara & Georg Tremmel used as their specimen the ”Moondust” blue carnation which was developed in 1995 by Japanese beer and whiskey brewer Suntory.



2009-10-26 |

Opensourcing GM flowers: ”Biopiracy” in the name of art

Imagine a do-it-yourself genetic piracy kit where you could clone genetically modified (GM) plants in your own kitchen and, if you were crazy or creative enough, set them free. Well that’s exactly what the Common Flowers / Flower Commons project has set out to do: revert flower cuttings into their genetically modified origins by transforming cuttings with basic kitchen utensils to create living flowers. For this years Ars Eletronica art festival in Austria, artists Shiho Fukuhara & Georg Tremmel used as their specimen the ”Moondust” blue carnation which was developed in 1995 by Japanese beer and whiskey brewer Suntory.


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