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2007-07-10 |

UK activists ruin GM potatoes

PROTESTERS have destroyed genetically modified potatoes being grown as part of a scientific trial in Cambridgeshire. Campaigners scaled security fences in the early hours Saturday to get into the field between Girton and Histon, and pulled up the crop, which is being developed to be blight resistant by German-based company BASF. News of the action was posted on grass roots campaign website Indymedia UK by a correspondent known as ”Digger”, and it follows a protest march last week when two people were arrested.



2007-07-10 |

UK activists ruin GM potatoes

PROTESTERS have destroyed genetically modified potatoes being grown as part of a scientific trial in Cambridgeshire. Campaigners scaled security fences in the early hours Saturday to get into the field between Girton and Histon, and pulled up the crop, which is being developed to be blight resistant by German-based company BASF. News of the action was posted on grass roots campaign website Indymedia UK by a correspondent known as ”Digger”, and it follows a protest march last week when two people were arrested.


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