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2007-07-10 |

Kenya accused of ‘secrecy’ on GMO technology Bill

The process of preparing a Bill to regulate genetically modified technology in Kenya is shrouded in secrecy, a leading environmental Lawyer told The EastAfrican last week. ”There has been so much secrecy that most stakeholders do not even know where they should go to get a copy of the Bill,” said Maurice Makoloo. He explained that, under Kenya’s environmental law, any proposed law or policy is supposed to be subjected to an environmental impact assessment, which would give all concerned parties a chance to interrogate its contents.



2007-07-10 |

Kenya accused of ‘secrecy’ on GMO technology Bill

The process of preparing a Bill to regulate genetically modified technology in Kenya is shrouded in secrecy, a leading environmental Lawyer told The EastAfrican last week. ”There has been so much secrecy that most stakeholders do not even know where they should go to get a copy of the Bill,” said Maurice Makoloo. He explained that, under Kenya’s environmental law, any proposed law or policy is supposed to be subjected to an environmental impact assessment, which would give all concerned parties a chance to interrogate its contents.


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