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2014-08-12 |

The Future of Synthetic Biology Applications

The development of increasingly sophisticated techniques and tools to sequence, synthesize and manipulate genetic material has led to the rapidly maturing discipline of synthetic biology.

2014-08-12 |

Brazil: Pests develop resistance to GMO Bt corn, leaving farmers with higher costs and lower yields

Those who promote genetically modified crops are also quick to promote a common myth about them which says that GMO agriculture uses fewer pesticides and is therefore better for the environment.

2014-08-12 |

Brazil: Scientists Appeal to Pope to Get GM Foods Banned

Brazilian scientists and members of social movements have appealed to Pope Francis to join forces in an attempt to persuade the Brazilian government no longer to allow growing and using genetically modified foods and its by-products in Brazil.

2014-08-12 |

Monsanto Wants Reporter Fired for Exposing GMO Dangers

First Monsanto took over our Congress, then our Supreme Court, and now they are trying to take over journalism. Without freedom of speech and fair reporting, none of us would ever know just what hideous deeds these monopolizing corporations were up to. In Monsanto’s latest inexcusable move, the company is trying to have a veteran reporter fired for reporting on genetically modified organisms fairly.

2014-08-11 |

Nigeria: Organic Vs Inorganic

Finally, the global reality that is Genetic Modification of food has hit us. The blue-eyed-boy of the Jonathan administration, Agriculture Minister, Dr Akinwunmi Adesina, has vehemently denied his formally introducing genetically modified foods into the Nigerian market, but he has been accused of being economical with the facts.

2014-08-11 |

USA: Outrage Follows USDA Advancement Of New GE Crops

Watchdog groups are denouncing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommendation on Wednesday to approve new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybeans as a path towards more toxic pesticides that threaten the environment and public health.

2014-08-11 |

USA: Organic corn getting harder and harder to find

For those that follow an organic diet and possibly are on the front lines fighting for food freedom and those that understand the details of genetically modified (GMO) foods and heirloom seeds, you will understand when it is mentioned that organic or heirloom corn and corn seed is becoming harder and harder to find.

2014-08-11 |

EU: GMO cultivation - a decade of legal battles

The European Union has agreed on a new approach to the cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) which allows member states to ban or restrict GMOs in their territory. The agreement should mark the end of a decade of legal problems, but in the context of ongoing EU-US free trade negotiations, vocal GMO opposition from member states and civil society is unlikely to subside.

2014-08-11 |

India: Don't follow GM crop science blindly

According to Dr Ashwani Mahajan, national convener of the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, those who oppose GM crops field trials are not opposing science. In an interview with Yojna Gusai and Mukesh Ranjan, Dr Mahajan not only accuses the Modi government of succumbing to pressure from MNCs, but also blames it for playing politics on economic issues.

2014-08-08 |

Costa Rica: Awaiting a court decision, anti-GMO activists gain symbolic ground

Awaiting a decision on legal reforms from the courts, anti-GMO activists in Costa Rica have taken the fight over transgenic crops to a grassroots level. The latest symbolic victory for those opposed to genetically modified organisms happened on July 25, when President Luis Guillermo Solís signed a decree naming native corn as cultural heritage, a designation managed by the Culture Ministry.

2014-08-08 |

Namibia: The Problems With Arguments Against GM Crops

The year 2013 marked the 18th consecutive year of commercial cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), now commonly referred to as biotech crops.

2014-08-07 |

UK: Trial of omega-3 oil producing plants almost ready for harvest

A trail aiming to provide a more sustainable source of omega-3 for both fish and humans is nearing completion.
The groundbreaking research is aiming to produce genetically modified (GM) crops that are high in the oil usually found in oily fish, such as mackerel.

2014-08-07 |

Zimbabwe: Biotech Authority Pushes for BT Cotton Variety

The National Biotechnology Authority yesterday told Parliament to push for a genetically modified variety of cotton crop to improve declining output. Commonly known as Bt cotton (Bacillus thuringiensis), the crop produces insecticidal proteins and toxins that reduce the amount of cotton lost to insects.

2014-08-07 |

India: Government drops enough hint to allow confined field trials of GM crops

A day after allaying members' concerns over genetically modified crops in Parliament, the government on Wednesday dropped enough hint that it may eventually give its nod for 'confined' field trials of certain varieties of GM crops including rice, brinjal, chickpea, mustard and cotton.

2014-08-07 |

USA: Scientists Challenge Makeup of US GMO Risks Panel

Today, 64 established scientists, researchers and professionals submitted an open letter to the U.S. National Academy of Science’s National Research Council (NRC), strongly criticizing the council’s proposal of a panel of experts tasked with completing a new NRC study, “Genetically Engineered Crops: Past Experience and Future Prospects.”

2014-08-07 |

USA: New toxic weed killer that threatens environment & GE seeds may be deregulated

A U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic weed killer that would threaten human health and the environment.

2014-08-07 |

EU: EFSA Statement on an emergency measure prohibiting the cultivation of maize MON 810

Following a request from the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) evaluated the documentation submitted by France under Article 34 of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 in support of its request to prohibit the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in the EU.

2014-08-07 |

USA: GMO Proposal Denounced at Safeway Shareholder Meeting

At the annual meeting of Safeway shareholders in Pleasanton, Calif., the overwhelming majority of shareholders followed the advice of the National Center for Public Policy Research and rejected an anti-scientific shareholder proposal that would have forced the grocery store chain to brand products containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) with labels.

2014-08-07 |

USA: GMO-labeling movement poised for ballot initiative in Colorado

Supporters for the labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in Colorado delivered a petition on Monday with about twice the number of signatures required for a ballot initiative to appear before voters in November.

2014-08-07 |

230,000 Sign Petition To Stop Coca-Cola Funding Anti-GMO Campaign

Over 230,000 people signed a petition urging Cola-Cola to stop funding anti-GMO campaign on a change.org website that provides a free petition tool for 65 million users.

2014-08-05 |

USA: National Refuges to Ban GE Crops and Bee-Killing Pesticides

In a huge victory for environmental protection, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) will phase out the use of genetically engineered (GE) crops to feed wildlife and ban neonicotinoid insecticides from all wildlife refuges nationwide by January 2016.

2014-08-05 |

Australia: The grounds of the appeal to a GM canola court decision is still unclear

There is a lot of legal work going on behind the scenes to work towards a final outcome to the landmark genetically modified (GM) contamination trial involving two neighbouring farmers in Western Australia’s Great Sothern.

2014-08-05 |

USA: Consider some of the benefits of GM foods

Some technologies enjoy nearly universal approval. What's not to like about safer cars, better health diagnostics and instant access to virtually all the world's knowledge? But high tech on a fork? Now there's something that for some folks is hard to swallow.

2014-08-05 |

Organically raised food far preferable to GE crops

Organic foods are not just a consumer trend, but vitally important to sustaining our ability to feed ourselves. The absence of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics, irradiation, and genetically engineered (GE) ingredients drives consumer demand for organics foods.

2014-08-05 |

USA: Farmers, Environmental Groups Defend Moratorium of GMO Crops on Hawaii Big Island

A coalition of local farmers and environmental groups last week filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend a Hawai‘i County ordinance that imposes a moratorium on the expansion of genetically engineered (GE) crops on the Big Island.

2014-08-05 |

EU: Insect-resistant GM cotton MON 15985 for food and feed uses

The EFSA GMO Panel could not conclude on the potential occurrence of unintended effects for agronomic and phenotypic characteristics owing to data limitations

2014-08-04 |

EU: Food Safety Regulators Turn A Blind Eye on Health Impacts of GMO Contamination

“Corporations as the dominant institution shaped by capitalist patriarchy thrive on eco-apartheid. They thrive on the Cartesian legacy of dualism which puts nature against humans.

2014-08-04 |

India: Genetically Modified crops may risk food security

The BJP, in its election manifesto, had said: “GM foods will not be allowed without full scientific evaluation on the long-term effects on soil, production and biological impact on consumers.”

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