
GENET-news articles on GE silk

2011-08-23 |

Dutch artist creates 'bulletproof' skin with GE spider silk

A small sample of human skin has been bio-engineered to include spider’s silk between its layers. The Netherlands Forensics Institute has test-fired low-speed rifle bullets at it, and shown that it halts them. This summer, a very unusual science project is on display at a museum in Leiden, southwest of Amsterdam. There’s a piece of human skin that’s been genetically combined to grow in conjunction with spider silk. This unique combination makes the skin bulletproof against a .22 caliber rifle - the standard for a Type 1 bulletproof vest.


2011-08-23 |

Dutch artist creates 'bulletproof' skin with GE spider silk

A small sample of human skin has been bio-engineered to include spider’s silk between its layers. The Netherlands Forensics Institute has test-fired low-speed rifle bullets at it, and shown that it halts them. This summer, a very unusual science project is on display at a museum in Leiden, southwest of Amsterdam. There’s a piece of human skin that’s been genetically combined to grow in conjunction with spider silk. This unique combination makes the skin bulletproof against a .22 caliber rifle - the standard for a Type 1 bulletproof vest.