
Bt eggplants in the Philippines


Since 1999 GENET collects and distributes information on various topics in the field of genetic engineering in agriculture, food production and health. With this "Special Topic: Bt eggplants in the Philippines" GENET aims at providing an overview about the debate on development and approval of Bt eggplants in this country, based on our archives.

2010-08-11 |

ISAAA brings technology acceptance training to Philippine officials

Researchers and collaborators of the Fruit and Shoot Borer Resistant (FSBR)/Bt eggplant project, members of Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBC) and regional plant quarantine officers from seven Bt/FSBR eggplant multi-location trial sites in the Philippines underwent a biosafety and biotech communication skills enhancement training [...] the training was part of a series of capacity building and technology acceptance initiatives related to the Bt/FSBR eggplant product development.

2010-08-11 |

ISAAA brings technology acceptance training to Philippine officials

Researchers and collaborators of the Fruit and Shoot Borer Resistant (FSBR)/Bt eggplant project, members of Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBC) and regional plant quarantine officers from seven Bt/FSBR eggplant multi-location trial sites in the Philippines underwent a biosafety and biotech communication skills enhancement training [...] the training was part of a series of capacity building and technology acceptance initiatives related to the Bt/FSBR eggplant product development.