
Bt eggplants (brinjal) in India


Since 1999 GENET collects and distributes information on various topics in the field of genetic engineering in agriculture, food production and health. With this "Special Topic: Bt Brinjal in India" GENET aims at providing an overview about the debate on development and approval of Bt brinjal in this country, based on our archives.

2012-12-21 |

Indian Council of Agriculture Research begins probe against GM scientist who ‘filed false patent claim’

The Indian Council of Agriculture Research has begun a formal investigation against one of its top researchers. The probe covers various allegations including false claims he made about a patent application relating to genetically modified brinjal. The scientist, Dr K.C. Bansal, claimed to have filed three patents for a novel gene discovery, including one on transgenic brinjal in 2007, based on which he was given the Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award by the council for 2007-2008. Investigations revealed that while two applications had been filed, no application relating to Bt brinjal patent had been filed till July 16, 2009 when he was given the award.

2012-12-21 |

Indian Council of Agriculture Research begins probe against GM scientist who ‘filed false patent claim’

The Indian Council of Agriculture Research has begun a formal investigation against one of its top researchers. The probe covers various allegations including false claims he made about a patent application relating to genetically modified brinjal. The scientist, Dr K.C. Bansal, claimed to have filed three patents for a novel gene discovery, including one on transgenic brinjal in 2007, based on which he was given the Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award by the council for 2007-2008. Investigations revealed that while two applications had been filed, no application relating to Bt brinjal patent had been filed till July 16, 2009 when he was given the award.